Raghu Ganjam, M. D.

Raghu Ganjam, M. D.
Raghu Ganjam, M. D.
Dr. Raghu Ganjam is dually board certified in Addiction Medicine and Internal Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Dr, Ganjam began practicing with Orlando Internal Medicine in 2003, and with Hope Centers of Central Florida in 2018, where he currently serves as the Medical Director. Dr. Ganjam works primarily as a Hospitalist/Addiction Medicine Specialist at AdventHealth where he serves as the Medical Director for Substance Use Disorders and is also the Medical Director for the Addiction Recovery Center in Sanford, FL, a partnership between AdventHealth and the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. Throughout his career, Dr. Ganjam has been involved in numerous committees and review boards dedicated to improving quality healthcare and oversight.
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(407) 445-9545
Fax: (407) 445-9365
Be advised that the phone number 988 will route to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline beginning July 16, 2022. This simple three-digit phone number will increase ease of access for those who need help.

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